Set to a saw-toothed mountain backdrop in the Ancash region of Peru, sprawling Huaraz makes a good base for exploring the southern reaches of the Cordillera Blanca. Scruffy and noisy, it’s not without its charm; in some ways it reminds me of Leh, in the Indian Himalaya, another mountaineering hub.
A couple of weeks ago I rode up to Pitek, hiked up to the prestine, turquoise-tinted lake of Churup (4450m), then biked back down again.
In hindsight, this bike and hike (rather than the more macho, yet somewhat perverse hike n’ bike) turned out to be an apt way of doing things, given these steep Andean grades. No Herculean bike portages, just a nice ride and run in the mountains.
Now that I’m more fleet-footed in my FiveFinger monkey shoes, I figured I’d try something similar. Starting from Huaraz (3000m), I rode up to the same trailhead as Churup, only to continue deeper into Quebrada Quilcayhuanca. A beady-eyed study of a topo map had promised a leisurely incline along a broad valley floor. Perfect for riding, it seemed. Which thankfully it was.
12 blissful kilometres of singletrack led me to the head of the valley, where I camped for the night, up at 4250m. The next morning I set about the task of de-thawing, dismantling the tent, hiding the bike, and running up to one of the nearby lakes.
Returning from whence I came, I then worked in a trail Julio had showed me, descending via a series of pre-Incan staircases, as I hopped streams, dodged elderly ladies, piglets, donkeys and sheep, and skittled down babyhead-bouldered alleyways. Back down to the Huaraz once more.
A simple overnighter, it reaffirmed the vast scope for accessible adventuring that exists in the Cordillera Blanca – encouraging me to linger just a little longer still…

First things first. Breakfast: a couple of rounds of 50 centavos quinoa brews. Best drunk from grubby glasses while jostling with locals on the street.

Sustenance: a handful of still-warm empanadas to tide me through the day. I wasn’t bothering with my stove. Fresh bread and cheese would be my dinner banquet.

The weather up ahead wasn’t actually looking quite so inviting… But having climbed for an hour and a half, I figured the least I could do was to push on and see.

Clearly, this is not the Buddhist Himalaya – the park authority has issued a formal license to kill.

Officially, you need to procure one of these – not that anyone checked. 65 soles (about $27), gives you a month’s entry and camping to the Parque National Huascaran (thanks mum!).

I’d pared down Ogre to the bare necessities for an overnighter in the high mountains: warm bag, sleep mat and plenty of layers. I needed only to carry a couple of water bottles, as there were plenty of streams en route.

The trail was perfect – a faint trace of singletrack cut across the grassy pampa towards Andavite, 5518m.

And the cool part? It was almost completely rideable. Challenging for sure – but with only a few short stretches that required time off the saddle.

Delving deeper into the Quebrada Quilcayhuanca. Despite inky clouds, the storm passed me by with just a sprinkle of rain.

That evening, I found myself a sheltered spot to camp, and awoke to a crystal clear sky the next morning.

After thawing out, I slipped on my FiveFingers and went for a walk/run. Miguel’s Tranquilidad Mix supplied the perfect soundscape on my iPod.

The major appeal of the the Cordillera Blanca is how close it lets you get to the big stuff, within just a few hours from towns like Huaraz.

Having stashed my gear, I carried just the basics – camera, snacks, water, puritabs and identity papers. My Osprey Talon 11 has proved an excellent pack for day rides and hikes alike – the helmet clasp is a particularly neat feature. It’s pretty stable to run in too.

Thankfully, 1) I managed find the boulders behind which I’d stashed Ogre, and 2) it was still there.

The techy bits were fun – sometimes these went on for several hundred metres, sharp and uneven like bad teeth.

Time and time again I’m amazed by the prowess of a rigid forked 29er, and its capacity to crawl over the most jagged rockscapes. It’s uncanny confidence undoubtedly flatters my riding skills. Riding this kind of terrain has made me wander about the new Surly Krampus 29+, with its mammoth 3in tyres – would they be worth their extra heft?
The Need to Know Bit:
The whole ride was only about 60km, but over half of that is climbing. I left after lunch and was back by early afternoon the next day.
How much fun you can squeeze out of the descent, on the return leg, depends on the singletrack you can knit together – look for the trail to the left of the carpark at Pitek for starters. There’s several ways of riding singletrack pretty much all the way down to Huaraz – local insight really helps.
There are two possible campsites. One is at the head of the first valley (where Quebrada Cayesh meets Quebrada Quilcahuanca), set amongst the protection of scattered boulders. The second is just a few kilometres further up, towards the lakes, and requires a short carry. It’s pretty much all rideable on the way down though. This setting is more impressive but it’s also more exposed, with less options to stash a bike.
You can link Quebrada Quilcahuanca with that of Cojup, via a second lake and a 5000m+ pass. But as I heard it wasn’t rideable as a descent – more of a scree slope/boulder scramble – I decided to give it a miss. Quebrada Cojup is meant to be beautiful too though, another valley that’s one on my list, with the potential of continuing down to Huaraz via some ace singletrack, past the Lazy Dog Inn.
The Krampus will conquer all, bon’t don’t expect 29 x 3.0″ tires to hit Lima for decades (or ever). A 2.4″ tired should be just fine on the 50mm rims, but a 30-40mm rim would be more versatile for all tire sizes. I wish they’d put more holes in the Krampus frame though– there’s more to gain than to lose.
Enjoying the gear talk. I will be stepping away from drop-bars for the first time in almost four years (with brief exceptions). Riding to the trailhead this weekend…
So 2.2s would be a little on the skinny side for 50mm rims?
And 3.0s would be ok on 30-40mm rims? They wouldn’t roll too much?
I see the Krampus has rear rack eyelets, so all is not lost. Perhaps more will be forthcoming…
Really feeling this one.
Nice blog! Inspiring.
Great pics as usual… X
What incredible pictures and stories, Cass! i must say that every time i visit your blog, my touring itch starts to flare up 🙂 That’s certainly not a bad thing, though…take care.
ben (curly-haired ben from the Silver City Bike House)
Thanks Curly Ben! I hope to make it down to the Bike/Giant Puppet House before too long…
I think some of these are the best so far.
looks stunning! enjoy…..
Wow ! Cass the Adventurer! brilliant blog and stunning scenery!
I hope you can join me some time, Sando!
Love the license to kill photo.
Ah, yeah, the others aren’t bad either =)
Really enjoying the updates and if only I had the bottle to set off an adventure myself.Even at 61 its not toolateas I read RRs written by older people.
I’d definitely recommend taking the plunge! Travelling in South America has its challenges, but it’s far more accessible (and safe) than you might think. I think Ecuador would make a great destination if time is limited, as the infrastructure is really good, it’s relatively small, and really diverse.
Pingback: Final foray, Quebrada Rajucolta; Peru « while out riding
I found your blog looking up info on the Ogre frame for a China build. Awesome pics, best of luck.