Interbike ayuda – and a farewell to Peru.

It’s the eve of my departure from Peru. By tomorrow morning, I’ll be back in Los Angeles, heading for the glitzy, commercial ‘delights’ of Interbike, Las Vegas, one of the major trade shows of the biking calendar. There, I’ll be meeting up with Nicholas and Lael, for some fat bike fun…

Getting to Vegas on public transport is proving tricky. I arrive in LAX airport on Sunday morning, so if anyone has any ideas on how I can reach Nevada that day – or on Monday – I’d be most grateful. And, if anyone happens to be driving back to New Mexico after the show and has room in their vehicle for a body and bicycle, I’d be very grateful for that too.

In the meantime, I’m signing off this Peruvian post with a couple of photos of my final abode, situated opposite the catacombs of Lima’s San Francisco Monastery.

20 soles (under $8) has secured me a dorm bed in perhaps the most wondrously surreal lodging I’ve experienced. Hotel Espana is housed in a ramshackle colonial building, festooned with Greeco-Roman busts and hodgepodge of gold-guilded art, covering every spare inch of its labyrinth corridors. If that’s not enough, there are peacocks and giant tortoises perusing the rooftop garden, while an unexpectedly vicious dachshund, complete with Hannibal Lecter-style mask, patrols the lower tiled floors.

To round it off, my dorm room is shared with a young, Mexican ProgRockFolkloric band playing Lima’s rowdy bars… A fitting finale to this journey.

Here’s to the wonders of travelling.

Little update:

I ended up catching a ride with El Paso-Los Angeles Limousine Express Inc, which contrary to the allusions of its name, is actually a Mexican bus that runs from downtown LA to Las Vegas (dropping you off just near to Hostel Cat, with sub $15 beds). It takes about 6 hours, costs just $25 and there’s no charge for a bicycle.

Under the watchful eye of a four foot Greek bust, I’m packed up and ready to go…

The resplendent Hotel Espana. $8 dollars for a dorm bed in regal settings.

Changes ahead. Like its resident giant turtles, I’m on the move again. A bit speedier than normal though.

Goodbye Peru… For now (-;

25 thoughts on “Interbike ayuda – and a farewell to Peru.

  1. Wendy

    Hello – love your blog, thank you for the wonderful succinct writing and beautiful photos. I would be interested in a comparison of the troll and the ogre based on your latest adventure. Am tossing up between the two for off road touring and general mtb. I am nervous of the 29 wheels for touring where spares may be an issue. Are the bigger wheels worth it?



    1. While Out Riding Post author

      Thanks Wendy. Carl asked something similar recently, and I jotted down a few thoughts at the end of the Huaraz Riders post ( I’ll try and pad this out into something more complete when I’m back in the US.

      I’d just add for now though that I’ve been really happy with the Sun Rhyno Lite rims I’ve been running. They’re ‘only’ 32 hole models, but they’ve stood up to the last few months of riding without complaint – and they’re not ridiculously heavy, either. Being wider than most touring rims, they do suit large volume tyres though. Leaving sourcing replacement tyres as the only real issue…

    2. markbc

      I was wondering, if you’re using disc brakes, in an emergency if you wreck your wheel you could just swap out with a 26″ wheel right? Or is the problem that you can’t even find spare 29″ tires so if you blow through your spares you brought with you you’re SOL and need to either put on a 26″ rim or wait for spares to be sent?

      1. While Out Riding Post author

        Hey Mark. Yes, you could stick a 26in wheel in there at a pinch. It would be pretty weird, but you could limp on. There are ways round it all, but nothing beats walking into a bike shop (or even a hardware store in these parts) and having spares to hand.

  2. Trailer Park Cyclist

    I don’t know Cass, hopefully you will find a ride for you and yer bike but having a body along with ya might make it tough. Why not stash it in one of those airport lockers until later and then who knows?

    But if you are stuck at LAX let me know. My Number One Son is in the Valley and he is relatively reliable and safe. I just got off the phone and he said sure. For my phone e-mail me at trailerparkcyclist at gmail dot com. He won’t be able to drive you to Vegas but he is remarkably resourceful and should be able to get you pointed that way.


  3. Susia Moberly

    Your journey through this life is amazing… loved all your images and words from Peru… GOOD LUCK looking for forward to your New Mexican posts as I have happy memories from biking with a group of crazies on customised Harley’s. Loooooooooong time ago… safe travels X

  4. Mari

    I stayed at this Hotel last fall…it was amazing. Can you post a picture of the dog you spoke of…I think it was the same puppy that was there when I was…and he was a biter for sure.

  5. markbc

    That Krampus looks interesting. I was thinking about getting a Pugsley or Moonlander a while ago.

    What do you think of this for technical off-road touring? Will it take a Rohloff? That would go with the single chainring.

    1. gypsybytrade

      The Pugsley or Moonlander will readily accept a Rohloff, whereas most of the symmetrical 170mm fatbikes will not (one notable exception with the Mukluk and a Salsa adaptor).

      The Krampus will happily accept a Rohloff as well as it uses a standard 135mm rear end.

  6. Michael

    I would help you get to Interbike, I have three in the car with room for one more, but we won’t be leaving until Tuesday morning. Bummer, a couple hundred miles in a car would have helped catch me up on all the earlier adventure posts I missed out on. That said, if you can’t get plans arranged for Sunday or Monday, the Tuesday spot will be open.

    1. While Out Riding Post author

      Thanks a lot for the offer Michael. I’ve actually just arrived in LAX. Bike seems to be in one piece (-: Hopefully, as I build it back up, a plan will materialise! Otherwise, will be in touch.

  7. michael v

    Random question, but I figure you probably know this better than about anyone. With the type of riding you do, how long do your BB7 pads last? What about Rohloff cogs? I’m guessing they are pretty durable. I am assessing what kind of spares to carry if any.

    1. While Out Riding Post author

      Hi Michael, I don’t carry a Rohloff cog as a spare, as they are reversible and can be flipped over – at which point, I’ll think about sourcing a replacement. Carrying the locknut tool for removing the cog is useful though – take extra care when you do it, as it’s easy to damage the splines as you do so. Search through the Thorn forum – they have useful advice (

      As for BB7s, I’m not getting as much life from them as I did with the Rigida CSS coated rims and Swiss Stop Blue pads – particularly in adverse weather conditions. I’m still experimenting with the right kind of pads. In any case, I always carry at least a spare pair. I’ve found them in most capital/big cities I’ve come across.

      1. While Out Riding Post author

        PS I carry some spare links of chain, but not a complete one. I use chainrings (such as those by Surly or Thorn) that are reversible. You could also consider pre-cutting 2 gear cables to the right length (dab the ends with superglue so they don’t unfurl) in case you can’t find good quality cable cutters.

  8. Marten IJzerman


    are you okay? I has been quite a while that we have heard from you although you ar ein the USA. Internet cannot be a restriction I guess. Marten and Karin, Holanda

  9. While Out Riding Post author

    Thanks for the comments. I’m doing good, currently in New Mexico, enjoying the fall colours and fantastic singletrack.

    I’m working on a new blog/website, which will hopefully be ready in a couple of weeks.


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