The bike is pretty much all ready to roll, but inevitably there are a few last minute bits and bobs I’m still tweaking.
These lovely creations just arrived in the post today…. Middleburn, hailing from the UK, build superbly strong cranks that are unashamedly elegant too (though it’s possible, I guess, that you need to be a biker to really appreciate this). I’ve gone for the old fashioned square taper system: simple and reliable. I’ve teamed the cranks with an SKF bottom bracket with stainless steel bearings, which should be good for many miles.
Middleburn offer all manner/colours of chainrings, spiders and bolts, and they’re all interchangeable too, which is very cool. This is a DH 40T chainring to go with my Rohloff; it’s reversible, with a Teflon impregnated ceramic coating, so should last a good long while.